One of the main reason Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman is because he was born on the full moon day (Purnima) of the month on Tuesday. Hence Tuesday is considered very auspicious day to worship Lord Hanuman.

Devotees believe that fasting on Tuesdays would please Lord Hanuman. He shall bless the devotees with strength, win over enemies, win in litigations, betterment of health, overcome fear of evil, reduce the bad effects caused by the planet Mars or Mangal. Mangalvar Vrat is also observed for the purpose to have a son too.
Fasting process starts with sunrise and lasts till sunset. Devotess wear red clothes and first do puja to Lord Ganesh then followed by Lord Hanuman with red flowers. Devotees Present Nayvedhyam and seasonal fruits. Mangalvar Vrat Katha or Hauman Chalisa or Hanuman Ashtak can be recited during Puja and fasting period.
During the fast devotees consume only water, juice or fruits. In case of any health problems if the fast is not possible then devotees can consume fruits during the fast. After the sunset, devotees pray to Lord Hanuman and consume food. The food should contain Wheat and Jaggery, but salt should be avioded at any cost.
Lord Hanuman’s Beej mantra is recited 108 times to get relief from troubles, gain stamina, power and strength which is as follows:
“Om Aeem Bhreem Hanumate,
Shri Ram Dootaye Namah”
There are other mantras to recite which are as follows:
“Om Shree Hanumate Namah”
“Hang Pawan Nandanaya Swaha”
This Hanuman mantra is recited 21000 times to get rid of evil spirits or any other tye of disturbances or cure any type of illness which is as follows:
“Om Namo Bhagwate Aanjaneyaya Mahabalaya Swaha”
There is a belief that if we pray to Lord Hanuman with a pure heart, he always comes to our rescue. Children who recite Hanuman Chalisa will never have scary or fearful thoughts. People reciting these mantras are never troubled by enemies, devils, spirits or ghosts and reduces malefic effects of sade sati.
By chanting the mantras, we get rid of all the negative energy and surround ourselves with positive energy.There is no specific time or place to recite the mantras, but the most important rule while chanting the mantras is to chant them with full devotion and faith then you can see result on your own.
ॐ हनुमते नमः |
हं पवन ननदनाय स्वाहा |
हं हनुमते रुद्रात्मकाय हुं फट् |
ॐ नमो भगवते आंजनेयाय महाबलाय स्वाहा |
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं हनुमते रामदूताय लंकाविध्वंसनाय अंजनी गर्भ संभूताय शाकिनी डाकिनी डाकिनी विध्वंसनाय किलिकिलि बुबुकारेण विभिषणाय हनुमद्देवाय ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं हौं हाँ फट् स्वाहा।।
ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे ,महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात् ।।
ॐ अघोरेभ्योsथ घोरेभ्यो घोर घोरतरेभ्य:। सर्वेभ्य: सर्व सर्वेभ्यो नमस्ते अस्तु रूद्र रुपेभ्य:।। ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय ।।
।। ॐ यो रुद्रोsन्गौ योsप्सुय ओषधीषु यो रुद्रो विश्वाभुवना-विवेश तस्मै रुद्राय नमोsस्तु ।।
।।ॐ ह्रौं जूं सः ।।
।।ॐ जूं सः मां पालय-पालय ।।
।। ॐ जूं सः मां पालय-पालय सः जूं ॐ ।।
ॐ ह्रौं ॐ जूं सः भूर्भुवः स्वः ॐ त्र्यम्बकम् यजामहे सुगन्धिम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारूकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मा मृतात् भूर्भुवः स्वरों जूं सः ह्रौं ॐ ।।
Tuesday (Subramanya Swamy)
Generally Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, but there are people in South India who worship Subramanya Swamy on tuesday.
Subramanya Swamy is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. He is known by other names as “Muruga”, “Skanda”, “Karthikeya”, “Ayyappa” or “Shanmuga”. Lord Murugan is considered as the Tamil God and is extremely worshipped all over the Tamil Nadu state. Subramanya Swamy is considered as unique Godhead with a rare combination of the Warior God, Supreme Divine Intelligence and matchless valor. He can lead one towards spiritual evolution and as the core of all the divine energies.
People fast on Tuesdays to please Lord Muruga to get rid of Karmic bondage, reduce the bad effects caused by the planet Mars or Mangal. For best results, devotees do this Vrat for 9 to 10 tuesdays.
Fasting process starts with sunrise and lasts till sunset. Devotees do puja to Lord Muruga by lighting lamps, offering red flowers. presenting Nayvedhyam and Panchamirtham (Mixture of 5 Items), Fruits, Sweets, etc. Kandha Shasti Kavasam (Sacred Muruga Hymn) is recited during Puja and fasting period.
During the fast, devotees consume only water, juice or fruits. In case of any health related problems, devotees can consume fruits during the fast. After the sunset, devotees pray to Lord Muruga and consume food.
Moola Mantra of Subramanya Swamy is as follows:
““Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha”
Muruga Sloka is as follows:
“Gyaanashaktidhara Skanda
Valliikalyaana Sundara
Devasenaa Manah Kaanta
Kaartikeya Namo Astute
Om Subramanya Namah”
By chanting the mantras, devotees get rid of all the negative energy and surround ourselves with positive energy.There is no specific time or place to recite the mantras, but the most important rule while chanting the mantras is to chant them with full devotion and faith then you can see result on your own.
ॐ स्कन्दाय नमः।
ॐ गुहाय नमः।
ॐ षण्मुखाय नमः।
ॐ फालनेत्रसुताय नमः।
ॐ प्रभवे नमः।
ॐ पिङ्गलाय नमः।
ॐ कृत्तिकासूनवे नमः।
ॐ शिखिवाहनाय नमः।
ॐ द्विषड्भुजाय नमः।
ॐ द्विषण्णेत्राय नमः।
ॐ शक्तिधराय नमः।
ॐ पिशिताशप्रभञ्जनाय नमः।
ॐ तारकासुरसंहर्त्रे नमः।
ॐ रक्षोबलविमर्दनाय नमः।
ॐ मत्ताय नमः।
ॐ प्रमत्ताय नमः।
ॐ उन्मत्ताय नमः।
ॐ सुरसैन्यसुरक्षकाय नमः।
ॐ देवासेनापतये नमः।
ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः।
ॐ कृपालवे नमः।
ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः।
ॐ उमासुताय नमः।
ॐ शक्तिधराय नमः।
ॐ कुमाराय नमः।
ॐ क्रौञ्चदारणाय नमः।
ॐ सेनानिये नमः।
ॐ अग्निजन्मने नमः।
ॐ विशाखाय नमः।
ॐ शङ्करात्मजाय नमः।
ॐ शिवस्वामिने नमः।
ॐ गणस्वामिने नमः।
ॐ सर्वस्वामिने नमः।
ॐ सनातनाय नमः।
ॐ अनन्तशक्तये नमः।
ॐ अक्षोभ्याय नमः।
ॐ पार्वतीप्रियनन्दनाय नमः।
ॐ गङ्गासुताय नमः।
ॐ शरोद्भूताय नमः।
ॐ आहुताय नमः।
ॐ पावकात्मजाय नमः।
ॐ जृम्भाय नमः।
ॐ प्रजृम्भाय नमः।
ॐ उज्जृम्भाय नमः।
ॐ कमलासनसंस्तुताय नमः।
ॐ एकवर्णाय नमः।
ॐ द्विवर्णाय नमः।
ॐ त्रिवर्णाय नमः।
ॐ सुमनोहराय नमः।
ॐ चुतुर्वर्णाय नमः।
ॐ पञ्चवर्णाय नमः।
ॐ प्रजापतये नमः।
ॐ अहस्पतये नमः।
ॐ अग्निगर्भाय नमः।
ॐ शमीगर्भाय नमः।
ॐ विश्वरेतसे नमः।
ॐ सुरारिघ्ने नमः।
ॐ हरिद्वर्णाय नमः।
ॐ शुभकराय नमः।
ॐ वसुमते नमः।
ॐ वटुवेषभृते नमः।
ॐ पूष्णे नमः।
ॐ गभस्तये नमः।
ॐ गहनाय नमः।
ॐ चन्द्रवर्णाय नमः।
ॐ कलाधराय नमः।
ॐ मायाधराय नमः।
ॐ महामायिने नमः।
ॐ कैवल्याय नमः।
ॐ शङ्करात्मजाय नमः।
ॐ विश्वयोनये नमः।
ॐ अमेयात्मने नमः।
ॐ तेजोनिधये नमः।
ॐ अनामयाय नमः।
ॐ परमेष्ठिने नमः
ॐ परब्रह्मणे नमः।
ॐ वेदगर्भाय नमः।
ॐ विराट्सुताय नमः।
ॐ पुलिन्दकन्याभर्त्रे नमः।
ॐ महासारस्वतव्रताय नमः।
ॐ आश्रिताखिलदात्रे नमः।
ॐ चोरघ्नाय नमः।
ॐ रोगनाशनाय नमः।
ॐ अनन्तमूर्तये नमः।
ॐ आनन्दाय नमः।
ॐ शिखण्डिकृतकेतनाय नमः।
ॐ डम्भाय नमः।
ॐ परमडम्भाय नमः।
ॐ महाडम्भाय नमः।
ॐ वृषाकपये नमः।
ॐ कारणोपात्तदेहाय नमः।
ॐ कारणातीतविग्रहाय नमः।
ॐ अनीश्वराय नमः।
ॐ अमृताय नमः।
ॐ प्राणाय नमः।
ॐ प्राणायामपरायणाय नमः।
ॐ विरुद्धहन्त्रे नमः।
ॐ वीरघ्नाय नमः।
ॐ रक्तश्यामगळाय नमः।
ॐ श्यामकन्धराय नमः।
ॐ महते नमः।
ॐ सुब्रह्मण्याय नमः।
ॐ गुहप्रीताय नमः।
ॐ ब्रह्मण्याय नमः।
ॐ ब्राह्मणप्रियाय नमः।
ॐ वेदवेद्याय नमः।
ॐ अक्षयफलप्रदाय नमः।
ॐ वल्ली देवसेनासमेत श्री सुब्रह्मण्यस्वामिने नमः।